My (NEW) Women's Program Here ---> "Visual Impact for Women"
Gaining untargeted muscle is easy and over-rated. The problem with following the standard advice of
concentrating on the "big 3" lifts (squat, deadlift, and bench press) is that
it will most likely create a terrible looking, bulky physique.
So even 100% pure muscle gains, can ruin your look if the muscle is added to the wrong places on your body.
the video shows...adding muscle in the wrong places creates a rounded
"curvy" look. As a guy you are not aiming for an hour-glass figure.
Simply chasing a muscle gain number is a nearly guaranteed way to kill
you chances of a lean and angular physique. |
In fact, a little bit slim is better than overly muscular and blocky.
Think about that for one
second. Wouldn't you rather look more like Jude Law versus a bloated
looking professional wrestler in the WWE?
see, even if you are a little on the slim side you can still look "cool" and hip. You can wear designer clothes. You can look "GQ", etc.
…but if you put on too much muscle on the wrong places you get that
“cheesy” meat-head aura...and that is not a place where you want to be.
Most women are repulsed by guys who are "overdone" !
...But these same women love the right amount of
Some examples of this are Taylor Lautner, Cam Gigandet, Brad Pitt, Will
Smith, Dwayne Johnson (now he has slimmed down), Hugh Jackman, etc...
realize that attracting women isn't the only reason to put on muscle,
but it is most likely at least part of the motivation to attaining a
nice looking physique.
...But Where You Gain the Muscle is Just the Beginning.
There are two types of muscle growth that affect the look of a muscle.
Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy: This is growth caused by the increase in fluid (sarcoplasm) within a muscle cell.
This is a fast way to increase the size of a muscle, but since
sarcoplasm is a fluid and can't won't make the muscle
significantly stronger.
Myofibrillar Hypertrophy: This is actual muscle fiber growth.
This adds a lot less to the size of a muscle than sarcoplasmic growth,
but since muscle fiber can will make the muscles
significantly stronger.
Have you ever seen a muscular guy with large, but almost "puffy" looking muscles? This is a common problem I see in almost every gym I visit. Here's a video explaining how to avoid this...
(As the Video Explains) Getting the proper ratio of both types of growth creates the ideal "look" of your muscles.
trainers will tell you that muscle definition is simply a matter of
gaining muscle and then losing body fat to reveal that muscle. They
have the right idea, but this is just part of the puzzle.
 <---Someone who focuses on the proper ratio creates full, dense looking muscles.
Too much sarcoplasmic focused training? This creates that large "fluffy" look. The muscles look doughy and rounded -not- sharp and angular.
Too much focus on myofibrillar training? This creates smaller dense muscles. Although the muscles are hard and angular, they tend to be undersized.
Both types of muscle growth have their place if you want to create a sharp looking lean and muscular look.
you simply lift to put on muscle, then you
are just hoping that your physique winds up looking the way
you want (I don't like to leave things up to chance).
of hoping the hard work will pay off, you should do everything in your
power to give yourself the best shot at the ideal outcome.
So How do the Guys in Hollywood
(Taylor Lautner, Cam Gigandet, Brad Pitt, etc) Get that Ultra-Lean Look...Where it Appears as if Their Skin is Shrink Wrapped Around Their Muscles?
The majority of trainers will tell you that it is just a matter of reaching a low body fat percentage. They are only partially right...
When you first get lean, your skin lags behind a bit and has to catch up to your new body size. This is a big reason that a lot of people who try to get lean for summer actually look their best in July or August instead of June. |
a video explaining a better way to ensure your skin is
shrink-wrapped around your muscles, maximizing your muscle
definition (a technique Taylor Lautner stumbled upon by accident getting ready for "New Moon").
if you have gone into summer and the muscle wasn't as sharp looking as
anticipated, you can bet that loose skin was part of the issue.
<---Here is a good example of the "shrink wrap" effect.
Often times guys will look defined in the gym because of a temporary pump which tightens up their skin.
The problem with this approach is that once that pump goes down, their skin is a little loose...
...and they don't display that same amount of muscle definition outside of the gym.
you look much better in the gym than you do at the beach, or if you
only have nice six pack abs with strong over-head lighting...then I
guarantee it is most likely a result of loose skin.
This loose skin makes the difference between "sort of" toned and absolutely shredded.
to Ensure That You Add Muscle in a Way that Dramatically Enhances Your
Appearance...and Allows You to Create the Exact Look You Desire?
Well the tips in the 3 videos above are just scratching the surface.
Before I go any
further, I should probably introduce myself...
name is Rusty Moore and over the past 3 years I have run one of the
busiest websites on the Internet focusing on the lean "Hollywood Look".
While I respect and constantly learn from dozens of fitness trainers
and fitness authors...
simply believe that nobody has had the same laser targeted focus on the
"Hollywood Look" I have.
Tens of thousands of people have tested my methods with phenomenal
results (when it comes to getting lean). It has been very rewarding
reading all the positive testimonials from both men and women. ...but I mainly just focused on losing body fat and increasing muscle
density without increasing muscle size.
(I knew someday I would need to talk about gaining muscle in a way that didn't ruin the physique...but I also knew that this would take 50+ pages to properly explain).
You see...the mainstream methods of gaining muscle mass are backward if you want that lean, "hip" look. Just go into any gym and take a look at the personal trainers. Do most of them have the look you are after? |
Probably not. Obviously there are some great personal trainers, but the
masses are using extremely outdated and ineffective methods at building
muscle in a strategic way. I needed to do something about that...
Introducing "Visual
Impact Muscle Building"

This is a 72 page course dedicated to advanced techniques in gaining
muscle in a way that creates a sharp physique with hard, full muscles.
There is nothing "cookie cutter" about this course.
It isn't a rehash of what you already know.
(If that was the case I wouldn't have bothered writing this)
...the goal with this manual is to teach you exactly the variables that
you need to tweak to get the exact look you desire.
I have included a detailed 3 phase plan, where each phase "builds upon"
the previous phase...creating a razor sharp physique by the end of the
last phase.
Here's a video
which explains the "Synergistic Effect" of the 3 phases...
Free Weights, Body Weight, etc. Whatever You Enjoy...
Use Your
Favorite form of Resistance
Do you prefer machines over free-weights? Do you
like a mix of body weight exercises. Do you like to workout with
resistance bands? Are you into kettlebells? The cool thing about
this plan is that it allows flexibility of both exercise selection as
well as the type of equipment you can use.
Don't fall for the
myth that it takes "free weights" to gain muscle and get ripped!
I like using free weights, but I am not so narrow
minded to believe that this is the only route to a great physique.
There have been countless examples of people getting in outstanding
shape with a variety of different methods of resistance. Here are a
Robert Downey Jr - Used a machine
called "The Vortex" to gain muscle and get ripped for his role as Tony
Stark in Iron Man 1, Iron Man 2, and Sherlock Holmes. This is a cable
machine with adjustable weight stacks for resistance.
Taylor Lautner - Worked out with
a mix of free weights along with resistance bands to put on muscle for
his role as Jacob Black in "New Moon".
Cast of the Movie "300" - Used a
mix of free weights, kettlebells, Crossfit intervals, body weight
training, etc. These guys used a little bit of everything (but did a
brutal workout that anyone with a life would be unable to sustain).
Daniel Craig - Used more of a
basic free weight routine to get in shape to play James Bond in "Casino
Royale" and "Quantum of Solace".
isn't the method of the resistance that is the volume, set
and rep scheme.
I don't care if your personal trainer swears by seated dumbbell
military presses -or your best friend thinks standing barbell military
presses are the way to go. They both work your shoulders.
Alternatively, you could do the Nautilus press, Hammer Strength, or
even lift a log over your head (Rocky IV style). |
I am not here to
tell you what exercises to perform. You like what you like!
Yet I did create an ebook with countless exercise suggestions for each
body part...

This is a 227 page book
loaded with exercise demonstrations for each muscle group (photos
I partnered with a gentleman online who had these exercises spread over
1,000+ pages of his website.
I took that large amount of data and organized it into an ebook with
clickable navigation.
As an example...Simply click on "Back Exercises" to get a list of 39
exercises that work your back. Click on the individual exercise to get
taken to a page in the book with photos and a full description of that
You will never run out of exercise ideas to target any particular body
What is This Package Going to Cost?
I decided to price this
slightly less than the going rate of just one session with a personal
trainer. At my gym and the majority of the gyms I have
belonged to in the past, the rate for just one session is $50. So I
decided to price this package at $47.
Click Below to Order Now
won't insult your intelligence and tell you that you would be "crazy"
not to order...or anything cheesy like that...but I do believe this
blows away what you will learn from the typical personal trainer.
goal is to educate you and teach you what it takes to get the
lean "Hollywood Look" to tweak your routine if your muscles look too soft,
flat, too small, etc. To empower you to become the
expert at this.
I want you
to become the "go-to" guy in your gym when other guys want to achieve
this look as well.
I honestly feel like you won't
need to buy any other "muscle building" book after you get this.
In fact
understanding the principles in the course will give you complete
mastery over the way your muscles appear.
It is a great feeling when you know how to create an exact look on
Just a Few of the
Topics I Cover in this Course...
A detailed explanation of what a
mass building set "feels" like. This way you can be sure that each set
actually builds the muscle instead of just making you sore.
Why simply training heavy and using
"progressive resistance" doesn't guarantee that you will add muscle
mass. Here is what does...
Why lifting heavy is better for
tone and lifting light is better for mass. Almost everyone gets this
switched around...get this right and you will be able to create the
perfect look.
"bonus phase" strategy that will pack 5-10 pounds of fat free
mass quickly onto your physique right before an event...insuring
shrink-wrapped skin and full muscles.
How to specialize on a lagging
body part without over-training...turning your weak body parts into
strong points.
How to split up your routine if you don't want
to add mass to your legs, hips, and butt...& how to structure
routine if you do need to add size in these areas.
How to create rock hard muscles
that look great 24 hours per day and from any angle (not just while you
are training or have a "pump").
How to put on muscle without ever
having to worry about looking like a meat-head. How to create the sharp
"angular" look, instead of the bloated round look.
The proper strategy to get
masculine square looking pecs, that makes your chest look like an armor
plate instead of having typical rounded bodybuilder pecs.
How to build density in your abs instead of
adding size to this area...getting those deep etched abs that are
visible 24 hours per day (not just with good lighting).
I could go on and on and list quite a few more bullet points...
Bottom line? If you want to add muscle and you are after the lean "Hollywood Look", this course will teach you exactly what needs to be done to accomplish that. |
The best thing is that once you acquire this knowledge, it will be
yours for good. You can take the principles you learn in the course and
apply them from that point forward.
(Really...the only
reason for buying another muscle building guide will be if you want to
get the large bodybuilder look..."different strokes for different
Click Below to Order Now
Now at Zero Risk - You Have a Full
60 Days to Test Drive the Program...
If Visual Impact Muscle
Building doesn't change your approach to gaining muscle
and help you create the look you are after, you will receive all of your
money back.
I am 100% confident that this
is the best approach to adding muscle in a way that dramatically
improves your appearance. No
other product is aimed specifically at achieving this lean "Hollywood"
I am assuming all
the risk - So you can test drive this for a full 60 days.
In the event that you don't make drastic improvements in this time
period and are well on your way to your ideal physique, you will
receive all your money back, period.
Click Below to Order Now
This is a downloadable program. You will NOT receive a physical package
shipped to you in the mail. The entire package will be immediately
available for you to download and get started right away after
ordering. This program is NOT available in stores, so you can
only access it through this website.
Here's to getting
that sharp angular looking physique!

- This isn't simply a generic "building muscle" guide with info that
can be found in a typical men's magazine or bodybuilding
site. I
have been disappointed in the past by products that just wrote about
the same re-hashed stuff in a sightly different way.
This course teaches a completely new approach to putting on muscle and
there isn't anything else like this on the market.
- If for some reason
you decided NOT to purchase today, I hope you at
least got some value out of watching the videos. To be
honest, I HATE typical sales pages and all the weird "techniques". My
goal was to create a page with a few good tips that you could take with
you...whether you bought from me or not. I did have to put in a little bit
of "sales stuff" after that, but tried to limit the cheese as much as
possible :)